Project Goal: To improve infant and toddler care in New Jersey and strengthen alliances and advocacy networks with parents, providers, and other stakeholders.
Project Description: This project continues the Right from the Start initiative to educate policy makers and the public about the importance of the earliest years and to make the case for increased funding and improved policies that support availability of high quality, affordable infant and toddler child care. The campaign supports increases in child care subsidy rates, improved training and compensation for infant and toddler teachers, and including family child care in the Grow NJ Kids tiered reimbursement program. In 2020, ACNJ will hold a statewide Family Child Care Summit and sponsor the third annual New Jersey Strolling Thunder, bringing hundreds of babies and their parents to the State capitol.
About the Grantee: Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) is an education and advocacy organization that educates the public and policymakers and equips caregivers with the information they need to be a child’s strongest ally. It focuses on child welfare and juvenile justice, early learning, healthcare for children, and support for low-income families. Learn more about Advocates for Children of New Jersey and visit the Right from the Start NJ website.