Grow NJ Kids Family Child Care Recruitment and Preparation

Child Care Connection, Inc.
Project Period: 
Funding Amount:
Program Area:
Professional Development
Geographic Area: 
Essex County, 
Mercer County, 
Middlesex County, 
Somerset County

Child Care Connection, Inc. (CCC) is a Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agency that promotes quality child care services in the greater Trenton community through a multi-pronged approach of parent information, child care resource development, child care provider training, and advocacy. For this project, Child Care Connection collaborates with two other CCR&R agencies— Programs for Parents and Community Child Care Solutions.

This project continues support for CCC’s collaboration with the two CCR&R agencies, and aims to improve the quality of care by enrolling an additional 50 new providers in Mercer, Essex, Middlesex, and Somerset counties into the State’s Grow NJ Kids quality rating and improvement system. The three CCR&Rs are recruiting, engaging, and beginning the Grow NJ Kids Quality Rating and Improvement System for Family Child Care (QRIS/FCC) process with the providers. When the providers meet key benchmarks, the agencies will help them transition to New Jersey’s technical assistance centers, which will provide further support to help them obtain a Grow NJ Kids rating.

Participating providers receive technical assistance, coaching, and support through on-site, in-home, one-on-one visits. They also gain an understanding of the State’s rating expectations and are supported in registering in the State’s professional development/workforce database, as well as obtaining liability insurance and a fingerprint-based criminal background check.

Learn more:  

Child Care Connection